Ivan Aragon

Why I am dedicated to the Latinx MBA Association
Early in my educational journey, I realized that a major part of economic upward mobility was knowledge and access to opportunities. Our Latinx Community doesn’t lack grit or talent, we lack access. As an undocumented student (and later a DACA Dreamer), I always found myself looking for the right program or opportunity that gave me the access to even apply. Although I have learned through the hardships of life, I understand that I can help others put that same energy further up in the process. My commitment is to not let any more Latinx MBA professionals think the top of the business world is not for them. I want nuestra gente to flourish not only by attaining graduate business education but by taking and teaching the path to the C-suite. This only happens when we gather our people to act together, build each other up, and bring others along.
Professional Biography
A native of Chihuahua, Mexico, Ivan moved to Phoenix, Arizona as a child. He played football at Phoenix Community College where he was selected as Male Student-Athlete of the Year his second year. He later transferred to Arizona State University to continue his studies. Following his undergraduate studies he excelled in the mortgage, insurance, and food supply chain industries. A proud DACA recipient, Ivan was admitted to the University of Michigan’s MBA program in 2017. While at Michigan Ross, he was elected to be his Section’s (cohort) President, and as Michigan Ross MBA council (Student Government) VP finance, among other club roles.
Ivan is the co-founder and broker Owner of Sensibly Home Loans, a Residential Mortgage Brokerage based out of Phoenix, AZ (working in AZ, CA, FL, and TX). He loves helping people attain homeownership and invest in residential real estate. He is the host of the Home Loan MBA Podcast where he discusses the home loan process and interviews real estate professionals.
He has an Associate’s in Business from Phoenix Community College, a B.S. in Finance from Arizona State University, and an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Ivan also serves on the Board of Directors of the University of Michigan’s Latino Alumni Association and as President of the Michigan Ross School of Business Alumni’s Phoenix Chapter. He is an alumnus of Management Leadership for Tomorrow’s (MLT) MBA prep and MBA Professional Development programs. In his free time, you can find him cooking a meal for his extended family, playing volleyball, or on the Salsa and Bachata dance floors in Phoenix.